Zachary Vorhies

From iGeek
Zachary Vorhies made public thousands of pages of documentation on how Google intentionally manipulated search results.
Google engineer (Zachary Vorhies) gave Project Veritas and the public thousands of pages of documentation on how Google was intentionally manipulating their search to bias the information people see and manipulate elections: very Edward Snowden. Blacklists, blocklists, memos, emails, and guidelines. This proves their execs are either ignorant or lied to congress.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-08-17 

2019.08.14 an internal engineer (Zachary Vorhies) gave Project Veritas and the public thousands of pages of documentation on how Google was intentionally manipulating their search to bias the information people see and manipulate elections: very Edward Snowden. This was the Google Now service (which is all their Mobile Search and prediction features) and included blacklists, blocklists, memos, emails, and guidelines. This completely proves that their execs are either ignorant of what's going on inside their own organization (highly unlikely), or they lied to congress. The Democrats in congress are blocking justice because while it is Russian interference in our elections (Sergey Brin is originally from Russia), it was done in the Democrats favor, so they are putting partisan politics above a fair and honest election. Organizations targeted include: [1] NewsBusters, MRCTV, Twitchy, Conservative Tribune, Front Page Mag, RedState, Christian Post, American Thinker, Daily Caller, and Catholic News Agency. As well as eBay, Glenn Beck, Allen West, Steven Crowder, the Duggars, Megyn Kelly, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. Google had Swatted Zachary and done other forms of harassment, once they found out.

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  • Google Sent threatening letter, "We know what you've done", and demanded their documents back. Vorhies sent the documents to the Department of Justice Antitrust Division instead.
  • Google sent the police out on a "Wellness check": which means the FBI, Bomb Squad, SWAT were notified and the cops came pounding on Zarachy's door to make sure he was "OK". (SFPD confirmed they did receive a “mental health call").
  • There was a "Coffee Beans" document, which was employees discussing how to discriminate against any over-represented groups (like white males), as one kind of "coffee bean" was spoiling the brew. [2]

Google[edit source]

           Main article: Google
In 1995, two 20-something Ph.D. students from Stanford were looking for something to do their dissertations on, and decided that they should focus on a Web crawler. They found funding, a revenue stream based on advertising, and became a Unicorn (a multi-billion dollar company). Their saga from College Dormitory Culture to anti-American Corporate hate-Cult began.

Project Veritas[edit source]

           Main article: Project Veritas
Project Veritas logo.png
Project Veritas (created by James O'Keefe) uses undercover video to expose abusive or illegal behaviors. Because they expose abuse of leftist organizations, they are unfairly censored/attacked by far left Social Media outlets or media organizations who have no interest in exposing their sides bad or criminal behavior.


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Two 20-something created a Web crawler, then a few OK products sold by an anti-American hate cult.

Project Veritas
Project Veritas (James O'Keefe) uses undercover video to expose abusive or illegal behaviors.

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Tags: Google  Project Veritas

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