Red or Blue Murder

From iGeek
Anyone who has glanced at whether Republicans/Democrats are softer on crime, or have the worst murder rates knows it's blue.
Anyone who has glanced at whether Republicans/Democrats are softer on crime, or have the worst murder rates knows it's blue. Since Democrats can't win discussing facts, they lie; create a fake study, quote the study, and know that their base won't bother to look at the underlying facts. Go team blue! Rah, rah, more murder! Woo hoo! The rest of us? We can read.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-10-13 
  • The basics are the rational point out that crime is local -- and the places with the worse violent crime/murder, are virtually all Democrat cities, with Democrat mayors, voters and policies. How are the Republicans at fault?
  • Since the left can't refute the points, they point out that many are in Red States, or states that voted for Trump, as if that's relevant.
    • Of course, anyone that studied civics in school knows that Governors usually have very little power over local law enforcement -- that's mayors and DA's. But Democrats eliminated Civics out of our schools in the late 70s, so that's no longer taught. Coincidence?
    • And anyone with a triple digit IQ might ask something intelligent like where in the state (or cities) are the murders happening? Do they map to areas that voted for Trump or Biden? And of course, the murders all map to Black Democrat / Biden controlled strongholds. Kinda destroying it's the evil White Republicans that are the problem.
  • You'd think that a governor like Gavin Newsom would know the basics -- but either he doesn't, or he's dishonest enough to lie, or both. Hard to decide which of those is most likely with Governor Cuckolder. But he's of course championing a "study" (report) by a far-left advocacy group called Third Way, that claims Red States and thus Republicans are the problem. [1]
  • Interesting irony, the Thrid Way / Third_Position was common nomenclature for leftist Fascism.
    • The idea was: (1) capitalism/freedom (individuals had all property rights) was the first way. (2) Communism/socialism/totalitarianism (the state owned all property/means of production) was the second way. (3) And the third way / third position was where private companies/individuals could own property and have liberty... but only if they were proxies for the collective/totalitarian interests of the state (extreme regulations, taxes, and drive out those that didn't comply); e.g. fascism. Like university speech codes, you can only get your pedigree / right to work, if you comply. Do you think Third Way did any research before picking its name and thus this is an intional dog whistle? Or just that they are completely ignorant of history, or counting on their base to be?
    • I joked(?) that California was only a few balcony speeches away from invading Poland. Well Newsom is starting to grow his toothbrush moustache, and quoting from the same ideology.
  • Third Way's FakeStudy Point is that 8 of 10 states with the highest murder rate cities voted for Trump.
    • In basic statistics this is a fallacy of Simpson’s paradox or proxy/summary metrics. Real statistitians look for these. Basically, it's picking the wrong subsets to compare and/or making the data fit a conclusion.
    • The informed know that the vast majority of the cities in those states have Democrat Mayors and Democrat DA's (or equivalents). And an overlay of murders by race, or voting patterns prove it isn't White Trump Supporters that are committing the murders. So Trump/Biden isn't a great proxy, but if it is, and you look closer, it shows the opposite of what these polemics claim. (aka state level is certainly the wrong granularity).

Breakdown by City[edit | edit source]

🗒️ Note:
TW's funky methodology and nomenclature is just wrong. Like they claim the Mississippi murder rate is 20.5 per capita. It actually averages about 6 per 100K, or .006%/capita. But it's spiked because of a couple of Democrat-controlled cities to about 20 per 100K (not per capita/person). Yet virtually all that spike is because of Jacksone, which is at 100. The rest of the state's white murder rate, is about that of Europe.
  • (1) Jackson, Mississippi - Democrat Mayor (Chokwe Antar Lumumba), Democrat DA (Jody Owens), voted 3:1 for Biden, ≈91/100K. It's one of the blackest cities in the nation 49% black. It's also pretty small (150K) which is why it falls off most national city comparisons. (They look at cities of 500K or more). Guess what parts of the city have most of the murders and how they voted?
  • (Omitted) Baltimore, Maryland - Maryland doesn't make their top list, because while Baltimore as a city is in the top 3, the state is usually below the threshold. Democrat Mayor (Brandon M. Scott), Democrat DA/SA (Marilyn Mosby), voted 10:1 for Biden, 77/100K. 62% black.
  • (2) New Orleans, Louisiana - Democrat Mayor (LaToya Cantrell), Democrat DA (Jason Williams), voted 8:1 for Biden, and they have a horrible murder rate approaching 91/100K. 35% black. Overlay the murders to race maps -- it isn't White Republican Trump voters killing each other.
  • (3) Louisville, Kentucky - Democrat Mayor (Greg Fischer), Democrat DA (Thomas B. Wine), voted 60% for Biden, and they have a horrible murder rate approaching 59/100K. 35% black. Overlay the murders to race maps -- it isn't White Republican Trump voters killing each other.
  • (Omitted) Milwakee, Wisconsin - Wisconsin doesn't make their top list, because while Milwakee as a city is in the top few, the state isn't that bad. Democrat Mayor (Tom Barrett), Democrat DA (John T. Chisholm), with a shrinking population up to 202% turned out (same day registration) to vote 3:1 for Biden, murders 57/100K. 40% black.
  • (Omitted) Washingon, D.C - DC doesn't make a list of states because it isn't one, but is near the top in cities. Democrat Mayor (Muriel Bowser), Democrat DA (Karl A. Racine), vote 20:1 for Biden, murders 56/100K. 41% black.
  • (4) Birmingham, Alabama - Democrat Mayor (Randall Woodfin), Democrat DA (Danny Carr), voted 55% for Biden, 28/100K murder rate. 68% black.
  • (5) Saint Loius, Missouri - Democrat Mayor (Tishaura Jones), Democrat DA/PA (Wesley Bell), voted 61% for Biden, 28/100K murder rate. 43% black.
  • (6) North Charleston, South Carolina - Republican Mayor (Keith Summey), Republica DA (Scarlett Wilson), voted 56% for Biden, 32/100K murder rate. 21% black. Finally a Republican, but it's a split district, and when you look at what area of the city is having problems/murders, it isn't the White areas that voted for Trump.
  • (7) Albuquerque, New Mexico - Democrat Governor, Blue State, Democrat Mayor (Tim Keller), Democrat DA (Raúl Torrez), voted 61% for Biden. 3% black, but 50% hispanic. But the state average is brought up because Sante Fe, and the areas in between are highly violent/murderous as well.
  • (Omitted) Detroit, Michigan - Michigan doesn't make the list of states, but Detroit is near the top in cities. Democrat Mayor (Mike Duggan), Democrat DA/PA (Kym L. Worthy), vote 20:1 for Biden. 77% black.
  • (8) Atlanta, Georgia - Blue State, Democrat Mayor (Andre Dickens), Democrat DA (Fani Willis), voted 77% for Biden. 46% black.
  • (9) Little Rock, Arkansas - Democrat Mayor (Frank Scott), Democrat DA/CP (Larry Jegley), voted 60% for Biden. 40% black.
  • (10) Memphis, Tennessee - Blue State, Democrat Mayor (Jim Strickland), Democrat DA (Steve Mulroy), voted 64% for Biden. 64% black.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

  1. So 13 out of 14 worst cities are all Democrat controlled. And city government (not state) controls local policing. The one Republican one, is highly split, and the Democrat part of the city is dragging his averages up, if you tunnel in and look at where the problems are. So seems to be a pretty clear pattern, that destroys the lefts false narrative.
  2. To be a good Democrat requires ignorance and a lack of intellectual curiosity, or at least a willingness to ignore inconvenient truths. Either they don't know basic statistics and are in such an echo chamber of progressives that they've never heard the facts -- or they are dishonest.
  3. Blacks murder at a rate about 5x Whites or 10x Asians, and vote Democrat 10:1. (Hispanics are more like 2-3x whites, and a little less Democrat). So what you're seeing is more that the South tends to have more blacks. And black enclaves all over the nation have higher murder rates, and vote for more of the problem (Democrats).
    • NOTE: This isn't all blacks (it's not race). Black immigrants, blacks raised by whites/asians, college educated or just professional blacks, all tend to have murder rates more like Whites. It's a problem more with gangs and hip-hop thugs-life subculture that infects a small part of urban black and hispanic communities. If Black and Hispanic lives matter, we should look at that problem, and try to fix it. But Democrats want to blame someone else (White Privilege, etc), for things happening in communities where whites (or many black/hispanic professionals) seldom venture.
  4. So I don't think being black (or Democrat) causes crime. But the subcultures of no snitchin', or soft on crime policies, blaming the gun for the acts of a criminal, and voting Democrat (sympathy for criminals and not for victims), all seems to fertilize or aggivate the problems.


🔗 More

This article lists some of the intolerance, incompetence, and progressivism that have come to exemplify the Golden State.

These are issues that people fight over... current events or consistent divisions.

California Incompetence
Incompetent and sanctimonious is a heady mix that makes California one miserable place to live your life.

Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom is a flaming, hypocritical, corrupt douchebag from governor of a state full of the same.

Murder Rates
Understanding murder rates in the U.S. (or world), isn't hard. But one side is vested in obfuscating the facts.

Dog Whistle
Accuse the opposition of meaning something other than what the words mean. Guilt by assumption of the prosecution.

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Tags: California  Issues  Incompetence  Gavin Newsom  Murder Rates  Dog Whistle

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