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Memes about logic and logical fallacies.
Memes about logic and logical fallacies. How to not win a debate nor influence people.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni

Memes/Logic • [25 items]

An Ad Hominem is a form of flattery. It shows that the person doesn't have anything intelligent to say about your message, and is conceding the argument, by attacking you instead.

An Ad Hominem attack? Wow, your argument must be really strong.

Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you. Correct a wise man, and he will appreciate you.

Feedback ref: flag on the play. I'm calling Bullshit!

Grammar Nazi says... your graminatical error makes your argument invalid

Ad Hominem : If they don't have facts, many distract and ad hominem (attack the messenger). "Great minds question ideas; average minds question events; small minds question sources."
Appeal to Authority - Science is skepticism. Consensus/popularity or assuming one expert trumps all the others, is politics. You can defer your responsibility to think critically, just don't demand others do the same.
Bandwagon Fallacy - Following en mass doesn't make you a thinker. But if you don't know what you're talking about, at least there's comfort knowing that you're not alone. Science isn't consensus, science is what happened when one guy proves the consensus wrong.. "Agreeing with idiots doesn't make you all geniuses."

Begging the Question : Putting presumption of correctness into framing the argument, "Let's assume I'm right."... let's not.

Cherry Picking : Consider ALL the evidence not just finding the outliers... and ignoring everything else.
Citation needed : It's not that I don't trust you... but I don't trust anyone. Support your point with some evidence please. "Trust, but verify".
Echo Chamber : a bunch of idiots agreeing with each other, or trying to talk-over / ignore everything they don't like.

False Causality : Also called Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc ("After this, therefore because of this"). Examples: Homeopathic medicine. Bananas cause cancer, because most people that have cancer have eaten bananas. And Women cause you to get fat and grey, proven by what happened to me after marriage. Correlation is NOT causality!

Godwin's law:If any argument goes long enough, someone will compare someone/something to Hitler. Illegitimately comparing someone to Hitler is a Non-sequitur Fallacy. Incorrectly calling Godwin's law on someone is called a distraction fallacy.
Grammatician : A grammatical fallacy is usually a distraction fallacy. When faced with uncomfortable truths, the intellectual cowards will pick nits to change the topic.
Guilt by Association :Two things that share one trait, doesn't mean they share any other traits. Stop assuming otherwise. Just because most of Hillary's associates went to Prison, doesn't mean she was guilty too. But it does mean she's either a bad judge of character, or a bad character.

Moving the goalpost : When you can't win the argument, try to change what it was about! Lucy and the Football. It usually exposes the arguer as having a very fragile ego and a lot of insecurities.
Moving the goalpost : The history of Gun Control is a series of moving goalposts. Each of the 30,000 gun control laws has been the last reasonable thing they needed... until the next one. "When you can't win the argument, try to change what it was about!"

Non sequitur : Means: "it does not follow". Example: Saying murders are higher in U.S., so it must be guns. We also have more minorities, and armadillos, they don't cause murders... (but gangs, low punishment of crime, and violent subcultures do).
Proof Reversal: The burden of proof resides with someone making a claim. You want progress? Prove your solution will make it better, otherwise err on the side of liberty and the individual.
Reductio ad absurdum : Reduction to absurdity is where the slippery slope meets the straw man fallacy. You ask your Italian Mom if you can get your ears pierced and she accuses you of wanting to look like a circus freak!"
Reductio ad absurdum: Reduction to absurdity is where the slippery slope meets the straw man fallacy. You ask your Italian Mom if you can get your ears pierced and she accuses you of wanting to look like a circus freak!"
Straw-man : rephrase the opponents argument into something more "winnable". Basically folks that use this once, might be an accident. People that use it twice in a discussion, are intellectual asshats.

Right handed people commit 90% of all base rate errors.



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