2017.02.24 Shut-out over facts

From iGeek
CNN whines (after getting shut out of a Press event after running the Fake Dossier) claiming retaliation. It wasn't.
CNN whines (after getting shut out of a Press event after running the Fake Dossier) claiming retaliation, only the dossier was fake (not fact), they weren shut out because they lied and refused to correct it (not Dossier), and they were caught admitting on tape that they were intentionally lying (spinning) because they wanted to undermine Trump.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-25 

CNN whines (after getting shut out of a Press event after running the Fake Dossier) that it was retaliation because "this is how they retaliate when 'you report facts they don't like'. We'll keep reporting regardless". [1] There's at least 4 pieces of FakeNews in that one line:

  • 🔥 the Dossier wasn't "facts" it was lies (debunked): germaphobes aren't into watersports you morons
  • 🔥 thus if they were shut out of over the Dossier, it wasn't because they told "facts", it was because they repeated a lie (and refused to correct it)
  • 🔥 They weren't shut-out over just the Dossier, but over: Dossier, Russia, and dozens of other FakeNews stories listed in this section.
  • 🔥 At the same time, Project Veritas showed a senior CNN producer (John Bonifield), admitting the whole Russia meme was bullshit, they had no evidence, and they'd been on a witchhunt, and they knew it was a lie all along: just like the President said. [2].
  • 🔥 CNN had to fire 3 people and pull more off the Russia fraud and FakeCollusion (a couple months later). But they never corrected, clarified or apologized for the prior year of misreporting. That would be too much like journalism.[3]


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

1980 Ted Turner started CNN to put his left center spin on "the news". Then it went downhill.

Donald Trump
A list of articles on Trump, his accomplishments, scandals (real and imagined).

Project Veritas
Project Veritas (James O'Keefe) uses undercover video to expose abusive or illegal behaviors.

Tags: FakeNews  CNN  Trump  Project Veritas

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