
From iGeek
A list of People who are Transsexuals (transgendered), or at least Transvestites, and/or what they have done (good/bad).
A list of People who are Transsexuals (transgendered), or at least Transvestites, and/or what they have done (good/bad).
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~ Aristotle Sabouni

▶ Trans expertsℹ️

Trans experts • [3 items]
  • Abigail Shrier - Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, by Abigail Shrier, just lays out facts in a non-agenda-driven way as is possible.
  • Lisa Littman - Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, by Abigail Shrier, just lays out facts in a non-agenda-driven way as is possible.
  • Ray Blanchard - Chair of DSM-5 got Twitter blocked for expressing the science on transgenderism.

▼ Trans expertsℹ️

  • Abigail Shrier - Despite not having an "agenda" against trans, the facts are shocking and offensive to the Woke Mob that doesn't like what the facts and what the science shows. Since the facts aren't on their side, they attack Abigail, her book, and anyone that doesn't denounce it vehemently.
  • Lisa Littman - Despite not having an "agenda" against trans, the facts are shocking and offensive to the Woke Mob that doesn't like what the facts and what the science shows. Since the facts aren't on their side, they attack Abigail, her book, and anyone that doesn't denounce it vehemently.
  • Ray Blanchard - Ray Blanchard a Toronto-based PhD, specialist on paraphilia for DSM-5, expressed his scientifically based opinion on transgenderism. Blanchard stated the view expressed by the APA, which defines transgenderism as a "type of mental disorder." So Twitter locked his account, and likely would have banned him if there wasn't such a backlash.

Transsexuals • [8 items]

A'keria Davenport
Gregory D'Wayne is an American drag queen best known for competing on the eleventh season of RuPaul's Drag Race (and later All Stars events). D'Wayne spent almost a year of his life as a woman, Kiki, until he realized he identified as a man, and detransitioned.
Chloe Cole
Chloe Cole was teen trans, got psychological help, and speaks out about regretting her transition. When Biden keeps advocates the extreme position of opposing child transitions is tantamount to violating their civil rights, Cole pressed back against Biden's support of medical experimentation on Children.
Chris Beck
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Decorated Navy Seal, Kristin Beck, is detransitioning back to being a man, and not happy about what was done to him. Basically, he feels exploited by the trans-industrial complex -- and doesn't want others to go through what he went through. He was a celebrity when resorting to body mutilation, now that he's wiser, the media is no longer interested in his plight.
Jessica Yaniv
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A trans-activist in Canada (previously known as Jonathan Yaniv) was trying to force women to wax his genitalia. Since one refused (they didn't offer Manzilians), he filed a complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal citing gender identity discrimination, demanding financial restitution.
Sam Brodie
Known for changing his gender and participating in the Big Brother reality show as Samantha Brodie. However, a few years later Brodie decided to return to his identity as a man. He married his wife Indry in 2010 and they had two daughters. The media lost interest.
Trans athletes
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Transgenders mental disorder gives them a harder life, and the last thing I want to do is to make someones life harder than it needs to be. But biological men competing in women’s sports, ruins women’s sports.
BuzzFeed and other far-left SJW organizations seeing injustices everywhere, and trying to create something they can't: a world that is far. With the raririty of trans comes a lack of need for trans actors. Thus a few trans-actors whining about how they don't get pay equity (or jobs) doesn't prove anything, it hints at a lack of talent, or a lack of need.
Walt Hayer
American author, activist and speaker who underwent gender reassignment and lived for eight years as a trans woman before detransitioning in 1991. Regretting his decision, and believing that gender dysphorics need more psychiatric help than surgery.


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What is Trans? Which trans? Transvestite, Transexual, Transgender, Transphobia, Transmission?

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