The other side

From iGeek
Thinking about the “other side”... of Gandhi, MLK and Tankman
This is a Toastmasters Speech I did on "the road to understanding", and thinking about the “other side” of Gandhi, MLK and Tankman. Who are the real heroes? Life and people are more complex than we are usually taught. And we owe it to everyone (and ourselves) not to just be shallow cheerleaders of caricatures and idols.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-02-07 
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Toastmasters Speech on looking at the other side of things

MLK (or) Gandhi (or) Tankman • [3 items]

Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi was a lot more complex than many movies or History books make him out to be,

Martin Luther King Jr.
Thoughts on MLK and his contributions to America and the world... both good and bad.

Tank man is a protestor that stood in place after the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Tiananmen protests.


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Martin Luther King Jr.
Thoughts on MLK and his contributions to America and the world... both good and bad.

Tank man is a protestor that stood in place after the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Tiananmen protests.

Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi was a lot more complex than many movies or History books make him out to be,

Tags: MLK  Tankman  Gandhi

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