Newsweek on Gun Control

From iGeek
Newsweek (or Newsweak), Asher Stockler quotes a University of Michigan study on gun-death rates and misrepresents the facts.
Newsweek (or Newsweak), Asher Stockler quotes a University of Michigan study on gun-death rates and misrepresents the facts. Claims only two states saw decreases in firearms mortality and they had gun control, however, quite a few pro-gun states did as well. Many of the ones with increases were strict gun control states. And the study numbers are polluted with suicides.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-25 

Newsweek's Asher Stockler quotes a University of Michigan study on gun-death rates and misrepresents the facts that, the only two states that saw decrease in firearm mortality rates, were strict gun control, California, New York, and DC. Unfortunately for them, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Connecticut all saw decreases as well. And NV, AZ both have constitutional carry and very 2A-friendly laws. Also Massachusetts, New Jersey and Illinois are strict gun control states and they saw a big increases in the gun death rates (>20%), far more than other gun friendly states. And if you glance beyond the surface, in most of the states that saw increases, that increase is due to an uptrend in suicides (not murder or crimes), and suicide rates went up faster than gun suicide rates. So the point is enact gun control and have your suicide and gun deaths go up? Or is it just that leftist outlets like Newsweek lie to their readers.


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

Gun Control
Gun Control is about people control.

A magazine that fell from mediocrity into the annals of incompetent partisanism.

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Tags: FakeNews  Gun Control  Newsweek

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