New World Order

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The idea that elites would like to rule the world, and are using super-governmental agencies and cabals to do it.
The far left (and Wikipedia) claims the New World Order (NWO) is just a Conspiracy Theory about a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. In the real world, there are many public and private organizations of elites openly colaborating to create a new authoritarian world governments; U.N., EU, Davos, WEF (World Economic Forum) and so on.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-13 

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Conspiracies don't exist Yeah, like Russian Collusion, Lab Leak, CIA was involved in the JFK assassination, Twitter was colluding with the government to censor us. Why in the world would people possibly think that elites in and outside government would collaborate on their shared goals of taking our power, liberty, and money, just because that's what they've always done in recorded human history?
  • Conspiracy Fact It's kinda a conspiracy fact that there's certainly a cabal of elites that are colluding to make a uni-governments like U.N., NATO and the EU to rule the world. WTF do you think the Bilderberg Meetings, World Economic Forum, the Great Reset, IMF, Davos, ESG/MMT and so on are all about? They aren't elites planning on how they can give us more liberty and democracy and take less of our incomes in taxes and regulations. Fucking duh!
  • Too Far Yes, if you take any of the individual ideas or conspiracies deep enough, they get into absurdities or implausibilities. And there are many sub-conspiracy theories inside the concept that are wacky. But it's a reductio ad absurdum to wave off the whole idea that the many who are openly (and secretly) colluding to put more and more power/wealth into the hands of an elite few, are daring to create a "new world order" -- when that term is so early 2000's and before.
  • Human Nature Of course, the elites want to empower the elites, and think they are more entitled than us all to dictate the direction of our lives. This is magnified when you add a splash of Progressivism; when they have sancimoneous self-righteousness of doing it for a good cause like Social or Environmental justice? There's virtually nothing they won't do for the greater good. (The greater good mostly being their own egos and failing to fathom that they might be wrong, or not be entitled to enslave others to their cause, even if they are correct).
  • Destined to failure Of course, these Illuminati are likely doomed to failure as all the ones before them. It turns out that the elites and authoritarianism are very bad ways to run empires in the long (or shorter) term. Frederich Hayek got the Nobel Prize in Economics for explaining why; Dispersed Knowledge -- basically, that the people at the top know less than all the people in the middle/bottom who are closer to the problem. And the more you run from the top, the less adaptive/flexible the system is. But arrogant elites and leftists can't learn from history, or they'd go extinct and we'd live in the Utopia they are striving for.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

So the points are: (1) That there are many overlapping cabals and bureaucracies (some open, some secret) that are always working to remake the world, and virtually all of them imagine one with them (the elites) at the top, running things for the greater good. (2) These systems are destined to fail (in the long run) (3) There are people that take their imaginations on how far along they are, or how prevalent they are, or what they're working on, way too far. (4) The dishonest use #3 to reductio ad absurdum the whole thing, and pretend it doesn't exist. And the gulluble gobble that shit up, especially if they're on the left, and are useful idiots that thing empowing one oligarchy to combat another (like corporatism) is going to lead to utopia or curing the worlds evils.


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Wikipedia is both hit and miss. Most articles are pretty good, but there's a leftist bias amongst too many articles.

Tags: Wikipedia  Conspiracy Fact

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