Mills on COVID

From iGeek
Janet Mills locked down Maine to do maximum damage to the economy, and people, because it played with her ignorant base.
Janet Mills handled COVID like any leftist asshat: she locked down the whole state (Maine) if any part showed a case -- not out of need or science, but as a show of solidarity at ruining the economy and hurting small business. This of course led to backlash and protests by businesses that didn't want to be destroyed, despite few cases of COVID.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-03-24 
News Center Maine
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Augusta Maine Janet Mills Coronavirus Protest


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COVID Shutdown
14 days to "bend the curve" and prevent a caseload surge that would overwhelm our healthcare.

COVID Overreach
COVID gave the left the opportunity to first ignore it, then overreact, then use it as an excuse to seize power.

COVID People
COVID was a pathogen. How people reacted to it? That you can learn from.

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Tags: COVID Shutdown  Mills  COVID Overreach  COVID People

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