Open Borders

From iGeek
Wikileaks leaked Hillary saying, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..."
Wikileaks leaked the text of private, paid speech to a Brazilian bank where Clinton said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." 3 years later, Politifact, FactCheck and CNN were claiming that Hillary never said or meant it, despite evidence to the contrary.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2013-05-16 


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

PolitiFact is a far-left fake Fact Checker, created by far-left Tampa Bay Times and run by far-left Poynter Institute,.

1980 Ted Turner started CNN to put his left center spin on "the news". Then it went downhill.

I respect WikiLeaks, but am not realy a fan. They've done a service, and gotten people killed.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary's scandals that the media ignored or diluted, but defined her, them and her supporters. They were OK with all of this.
Another far-left front posing as a non-partisan fact checker so that places like Facebook can spin the narrative.

Lefty John F. Harris and less left Jim VandeHei got funding for a DC tabloid journalism (rumor mongering) on the DC set.

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Tags: FakeNews  Politifact  CNN  WikiLeaks  Hillary Clinton  FactCheck  Politico

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