Atlantic on Seleimani

From iGeek
Atlantic finds some anti-American law professor to whine that Trump droned 1 person, (and ignore thousands Obama droned).
Atlantic finds some far-left anti-American law professor talking head to ignore the thousands of people Obama drone bombed, and complain that Trump killed one, with far more justification -- and thus Trump was wrong to not get congressional approval first. Pick one standard please. If Trump was wrong, then Obama should be in gitmo.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-01-06 


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

Barack Obama
A list of issues, articles and scandals that pertain to Barack Obama.

Donald Trump
A list of articles on Trump, his accomplishments, scandals (real and imagined).

The Atlantic
A far-left magazine that occasionally lets a good article or two past their woke staff.

2020.01.03 Qassim Soleimani killed by Trump
Trump killed a bad guy, the left lost it's nut. Why would he take out a terrorist sponsor/mastermind?

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Tags: FakeNews  Obama  Trump  Atlantic  Soleimani

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