2019.04.17 Message from the Future

From iGeek
Worked with socialist candidate (AOC) to further a propaganda video as News (Alternate Reality Fan Fiction).
Worked with socialist candidate (AOC) to put out a GND (Green New Deal) propaganda video pretending to be news. It's 7 minute masturbatory infomercial/fan fiction about a time and place where math and reason don't apply: AOC looking back from the future, on all the great things her economy ruining plan had done saving the planet, in the alternate universe of Marxist Watermelons.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-04-20 

This was part of her only 12 years left bullshit campaign. (Something scientists have all mocked).

I'm almost convinced that AOC is a false flag effort by republicans to sabotage the Democrats. If not, they're at least contributing to her: she's a gold mine of stupid things that many far-lefties believe, but aren't dumb enough to say out loud. That she says them, is bringing tears of joy to Republicans eyes, at getting to run against her.

That the Intercept would add their name and reputation to her effort? That's the worst judgement since CNN decided to peddle the "Russian Collusion" hoax.


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The manchurian candidate of the progressive left. Put in as a googly eyed puppet of the far left.

The Intercept
The Intercept was a left leaning brainchild of Glenn Greenwald, then he left and they went further left.

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Tags: FakeNews  AOC  Intercept

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