Post Modernism

From iGeek
Postmodernism was inspired and adopted by Marxism: the idea that all truth is relative, and leftist should define truth.
Postmodernism was inspired and adopted by Marxists with the idea that all traditions are bad, especially the belief in objective morality/truth. Thus, every truth, belief, term, social norm, should be questioned, inverted and perverted until people don't know what is right or wrong anymore.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-11-09 
Left Right
Post Modernism is an idea about being progressive and challenging boundaries and bringing us forward. A Marxist derived ideology, that you can't "remake" the world with revolution, unless you convince people that everything traditional is wrong.

This is about the philosophy, not the art, architecture, or other forms of postmodernism. The reason marxists created postmodernism, and postmodernists and intellectual teenagers are attracted to Marxism, is that they both believing in destruction of the establishment and rebelling against authority (of the west), by denegrating and questioning everything. It spawned out of Critical Theory, another creation of Marxist (the idea that everything traditiona/conservative must be interpreted as bad, so it can be torn down and remade in a more modern/Marxist image). If there is no objective right or wrong, then all that is left is the subjective feelings of anti-intellectuals -- who can ironically then define what is truth for you. A mindless flock willing to adapt to the latest fad interpretations and language, science, and reality. The destruction of a traditional authority where they are disenfranchised, and replacing it with themselves as the authority vested in interpreting their truths, for everyone else.

Facts[edit source]

  • Science, Religion, Principles, should all be questioned. Nothing should be taken at face value, except for their beliefs/premises.
  • Postmodernism was a creation of disenfranchised 70s Marxist, who wanted to turn Critical Theory (and thus Marxism), into a philosophy. (Though some of the inspiration or roots, go back further). [2]
  • All truth is relative: there is no objective reality (it's all individual interpretations/truths)... except that they are always right (and demand you accept their truths) and anyone that questions them is wrong. Postmodernism refute itself.
  • Texts are incapable of conveying truth about reality, since words are subjective interpretations.
  • Thus the creation of extremist groups (among disenfranchised) around various activism (environmentalism, anti-war, anti-law-enforcement, anti-men, anti-capitalism, anti-americanism) are as valid as the beliefs that came before them.
  • Thus truth, values, lannguage and righteousness are all constructs (narratives) of the social groups (cliques, or cults) that created them. Except theirs are right, and others are wrong.
  • Post=After, Modern=era when we believed in absolute truth. (A revolt against dehumanization of industrialsim, capitalism, materialisim -- as well as obective morals/truths like Judeo-Christianity or wester values).
  • Any notion regarded as universal, is a mere Social Construct (hyper-reality) and thus can be ignored.

Facts[edit source]

  • Jean Beudraillard: consumption and consumerism is a way to lord superiority over others. This drives us to put fakeness (status symbols) above reality. E.g. we live in a simulation (byper-reality) of materialism.
  • Jean-François Lyotard: Commodification of knowledge makes it an exchange currency; only valued by its immediate utility and marketability.
  • Michael Foucault: Ruling classes have stifled marginalized people, because knowledge is a construct of the powerful (to be used for domination and subjugation). Thus enlightenment is enslavement and western values are domination. (Nietzshe inspired).
  • Edward Said: Orientalism.
  • Jacques Derrida: Words are ever shifting, thus we should use their shifting narratives to deconstruct everything.

🖼️ Memes

Memes/Post Modernism • [5 items]

Calvin and Hobbes explaining post modernism.

Default text

Don't use it, define it, or apply it to us. Even when we apply it to ourselves.

Post Modernism explained: it's intellectual scribbles.

1984: Post Modernism - all truth is relative (except this statement)


🔗 More

We need to agree on what terms mean. This used to be easy, before SJW's/Marxists started Orwelling our language.

The Left Lies
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.

This is a list of terms that the left uses to twist perception and thus twist reality.

Tags: Terms  Left Lies  Alt-Terms

  1. Problematizing Global Knowledge. Theory, Culture & Society. Vol. 23 (2–3). Sage, 2006
  2. '"`UNIQ--ref-0000024C-QINU`"'
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