
From iGeek
Meta means "about" in this context, so metadata is data that provides information about other data.
Meta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning "after" or "beyond") but is often used to mean, "about". In metadata it means information about other data. If I wanted to know your address or phone number, you name is metadata -- it is data I can use to look up your address or phone number, but isn't your address or phone number. It's how you find what you want.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni

In this site, we have a lot of metadata for each article, to tell us things about the article -- like it's creation date (or event date), the image, short and long summaries, or tags (Categories) that the site uses to know where an article should be included.

A card catalog (for those old enough to know how to use one), was a bunch of cards that had metadata about books. It wasn't the book, but you used it to find the book you wanted.


👁️ See also

  • Metadata - Meta means "about" in this context, so metadata is data that provides information about other data.

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We need to agree on what terms mean. This used to be easy, before SJW's/Marxists started Orwelling our language.

Main Page
The root of all evil... and the home page for this website.

Tags: Terms  Main Page

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