Global warming should reduce Hurricanes

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< Hurricanes
HurricanesGlobal warming should reduce Hurricanes
Global Warming (CO2) is the idea that light excites CO2, warming it, meaning less gets to the ocean to warm it.
Global Warming (CO2) is the idea that light excites CO2, warming it, meaning less gets to the ocean to warm it. The upper atmosphere should heat first (especially at the poles because the temp differential is greater), and eventually that will warm the oceans. This should reduce hurricanes. But we say some hurricanes, so they flipped the theory for the photo op.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-15 

Facts[edit | edit source]

🗒️ Note:
  • 2006: "Hurricanes are going to be worse and more frequent!"
  • 2007:
  • 2008:
  • 2009:
  • 2010:
  • 2011:
  • 2012:
  • 2013:
  • 2014:
  • 2015:
  • 2016:
  • 2017: "Told you so!"
  • Storms are caused by differences between hot and cold fronts. Warming of the air doesn't cause hurricane strength, but differences between the water (and warmer water) and the air does.
    • Global Warming predicted that warm more at the poles than the equator, and we were also going to warm the upper atmosphere before the oceans. Which makes sense -- CO2 theory is that the atmosphere is absorbing more heat/light, thus less heat/light is getting to the ocean surface to warm it. Plus, it takes 784 times as much energy to heat water as air, and CO2 warms because the molecule happens to be the same size as infrared lights wavelength. Water molecules are not the right size or as efficient at capturing that heat.
    • Thus since the extremes lessened between poles and equator, and Oceans and land were decades behind the atmosphere in warming (the water would stay cool), early predictions were that Global Warming would reduce storms in severity and frequency. This lack of storms would cause tidal currents to change and doom and gloom, so give us your money to stop this.
    • That didn't work because nobody was afraid enough of a lack of storms, and we had a few high publicity storms (and the upper atmosphere wasn't rising in temp, but oceans were (which actually proves AGW/CO2 theory wrong), so for publicity sake, the theory was revised to claim that Global Warming would cause oceanic and surface warming, which would result in far more and bigger storms: give us your money now to stop this.
    • But the science doesn't work that way as mentioned before. CO2 in the atmosphere should ABSORB more light/energy, meaning less gets down to warm up the sea. So a warming sea and bigger storms proves AGW/CO2 theory WRONG! But in a world where 2+2=5, pointing that out is grounds for criminal heresy. [1]
    • The far left will use anything to prove their theory, and if you give them money they can fix it. Obama in 2008 was predicting many more/stronger storms, but that electing him would stop the oceans rise. Then Obama became the longest serving president (since the 1851 start of NOAA's data) to not to see a major hurricane strike the U.S. during his time in office. He is also the first president since Benjamin Harris was in office 122 years ago to have no major hurricane strike during his term. So they're back to global warming should reduce storms.
    • Of course odds are that some Hurricane will again strike, so they can declare that it was caused by man. But it's like watching people that think their rain dance has anything to do with local precipitation. [2]


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    The Climate scarists want people to believe every natural disaster is because of plastic straws or mankind.

    Tags: Hurricanes

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