High Speed Rail

From iGeek
High-Speed Rail can be a great thing. Just not if it's done by politicians, especially Progressive ones.
High-Speed Rail can be a great thing. Just not if it's done by politicians, especially Progressive ones. Then it'll become a boondoggle.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-10-10 

California/High_Speed_Rail_Boondoggle[edit source]

           Main article: California/High_Speed_Rail_Boondoggle
The answer for every program is "compared to what?" There are so many problems that the $100B in wasted funds could have helped (Water, Traffic, Power, etc), but they wasted it on transportation that was better served with limo-busses or planes. But Democrats and their allies got rich picking the public's pocket for something that never was going to get built, and would have been a drain if it had.

I should add things here about Texas and Florida's High Speed Rails, which are far more interesting than California's. The distances less far, the land is cheaper, the ridership would be higher. And it was commercially financed, not a big government boondoggle.


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