Cultural Revolution

From iGeek
Cultural Revolution1966-10-01
Victims: 1500000 (1500000 / 36000000)
Tools: Guns, Torture,
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was the final purges (150K - 3M) of any capitalist/bourgeois (anyone not measuring up to the Maoists standards), and actually a series of massacres. Youth "Red Guards" mass murders included, Red_August (2K), Guangxi Massacre (500K), Inner Mongolia incident (100K), Guangdong Cultural Revolution Massacre (12K), Yunnan Cultural Revolution Massacre (18.6K), Hunan_Cultural_Revolution_Massacre (10K), not to mention the Banqiao Dam failure (240K). Cause: Govt
Motive: ⬅️ Left
🚫 Gun Free Zone

Cultural Revolution poster.jpg

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Guangxi Massacre had human cannibalism, not out of hunger, but out of primal cruelty and dominance!
  • Inner Mongolia incident was lynching Mongols, 10x more than all the whites and blacks in America, in all of history, combined.
  • Banqiao Dam failure was a completely avoidable (man-made) catastrophy, that was caused by the Cultural Revolution. [1]
  • Throw on top the human suffering, destruction of history/artifacts, tens of millions of people were persecuted, imprisonment, torture, hard labor, seizure of property, and sometimes execution or harassment into suicide (or self exile as refugees).
  • This only ended with Reforms / Opening-up started in 1978, but closing up with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, then renewing in 1992. [2]


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