
From iGeek
This is stuff that any 1st year College student, or many High Schoolers, should know about economics.
If you don't know this stuff, then your College Professor (or High School teachers) were probably Marxists that failed to imbue the basics of Econ 101 (things that people used to learn in College on the first week). This is often replaced with Keynesian tripe and Marxist dogma. But if you don't get this, then you're not ready to talk (or legislate) on economics.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-31 

Economics, Basics (or) Econ101 • [5 items]

40 Hour work week
The left thinks the Unions/Government gave us the 40 hour work week. It was standardized a decade before by Henry Ford (Capitalism). By the time we had the FSRA, it applied to less than 20% of the population. The Government created a regulation for the very few remaining, and took credit for something that was already done, and leftist media repeated the lie and the non-skeptical gobbled it up.
These are alternate-reality economics that Fake Economists (usually leftist polemics) tell each other and their base. AKA Leftonomics. Never blame on malice that which is more easily explained by incompetence. But when you are an "expert" that knows the facts and repeat the fabrications anyways? Then malice (dishonesty) is all that's left. They know better.
The Broken Window Fallacy
This is a fundamental concept of economics (and logic) about seen advantages versus unseen costs. Henry Hazlitt summed up the art of economics as not merely looking at the immediate consequences but the longer effects of any act or policy, and tracing those consequences not merely for one group but for all groups. In other words, break a window and the glazer might win -- but the shopkeeper and customers did not.
Economics of lies, and fidelity
Increase the economic value of a cheat or lie, and you'll use them less often. Thus permission to do something once (or infrequently) will reduce the likelihood of you doing it, more than the impossible standard of pure abstinence.
Obama's gun truths and consequences
From Gun Sales to Mass Shootings, how the unintended consequences of community organizing are often detrimental to the stated goal. How divisive rhetoric and drawing attention to your cause can often get the opposite outcome of intent. Of course if your intent is to pose for the selfie-stick and drive up gun ownership and mass shootings then maybe it isn't the opposite of intent.


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The study of choice, scarcity, Social reactions to policies, and unseen consequences.

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