
From iGeek
The Water Carriers and apologists on the left are are coming up with excuses for why ignoring the 1A is OK.
The Water Carriers and apologists on the left are are coming up with excuses like (a) it's a private company (b) they are only blocking one extremist billionaire (c) he still has a voice, so it doesn't hurt much (d) this isn't any worse than a baker refusing service to a gay person. All those are bullshit and easily disproven
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-01-09 

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

The Water Carriers and apologists on the left are are coming up with excuses like:

  • (a) it's a private company... that is a platform like the Phone Company or Radio, which the Government and the Supreme Court has already agreed does not have the same freedoms to censor as individuals, since they are providing a public service.
  • (b) they are only blocking one extremist billionaire - if you ignore that event billionaires deserve rights and protections, and the 10,000 others they censored as well (many first, under similar false claims). It's a broad brush that's applied to anyone that doesn't fit a far left agenda, or repeats truths about the far left that the far left doesn't like. (Hunter Biden, Denying Russiagate, Pointing out flaws in AGW, being experts demonstrating failures of COVID policies, and so on).
  • (c) he still has a voice, so it doesn't hurt much - the kind rapist theory, since it didn't hurt that much, it's OK to violate their rights, social norms and the law.
  • (d) this isn't any worse than a baker refusing service to a gay person - activist antagonizing a private business, who are NOT denied service (he said he'd sell them anything in store, just he wouldn't crate messages that disagreed with his religion), and his religious freedom trumping leftist tyranny -- is not the same thing as a bunch of tech companies together and changing their terms of service and promise in order to censor those telling uncomfortable truths (or even just lies/opinions they disagree with).

All those are bullshit and easily disproven, or highly ethically questionable, for those who have ethics. Progressive Democrats and their media that defend this need not apply.

Deeper Dive[edit | edit source]

(a) It is a private company offering a monopolistic public service (like a phone line or power company)[edit | edit source]

If the Telephone or power company said no blacks or asians could use the telephone would you have a problem with that? I certainly would. They are banning their services to anyone that belongs to an opposing political party/philosophy/candidate. You should not be able to discriminate based on political affiliation.

Worse, they got access to our data by promising that they were champions of free speech. Now they changed their terms of service, after they've gotten the value from us of our social graph, and free posts and getting our friends to subscribe under false pretenses. That's fraud. I'm all in on a class action suit against these guys for ripping us off.

(b) This is not one extremist billionaire[edit | edit source]

First they did it to pretty extreme folks like Milo Yiannopoulos for poorly joking about something that a dozen liberal personalities joked about. (Pedophelia, and falsely claiming he was part of the alt-right). Yeah, not funny, but the coordinated attack by tech was scary... and no one called them out. Then they continued to get go after less and less extreme personalities, starting with Alex Jones... and moving to more moderates like Candice Owens. Systematically attacking and demonetizing and deplatforming them not for any crimes or doing anything near as bad as what the far left does or said, but for not thinking like them. Now they attack Trump and his supporters for not capitulating that there were no anomalies, law-breaking or fraud in an election that was rife with statistical anomalies, law breaking and fraud. And it wasn't Trump they went after -- they went after tens or hundreds of other thousands in the great purge, so drop the pretense that this was an exception to the norm. The purges are the new normal.

While the deluded claim that this was because Trump was exceptionally bad, it helps to remember the breadth of what happened and to whom -- this wasn't an attack on Trump, this was an on his supporters, on free speech, and on any conservative voices that they felt were influencers or they could make excuses for:

  • Twitter also blocked Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell for not agreeing with Jack on evidence of election fraud.
  • Twitter also blocked Trump's campaign account, and his campaign’s digital director -- a whole political party/movement that serves 75 million voters. [1]
  • Facebook blocked Ron Paul from managing his FB page, without any warning... all because he complained about Big Tech censorship, on another forum altogether. It's not only about thought crime on their platform, but anywhere in the known universe. [2]
  • Then there were many more like Kevin McCullough, Team Trump, @Techno_Frog. Just agreeing with the President on anything unrelated to election fraud is enough to get you purged. [3]
  • Then they started sanitizing the accounts of thousands of others. People were noting that their followers were dropping off by 7,000, 15,000 or 30,000: they were being disappeared like Uyghurs in China for retweeting anything by conservatives. This was NOT just Trump, this was anyone that agreed with him too visibly. Twitter later came back (after the outrage) and admitted they were deleting accounts, but it was only of people that had ever relayed anything by QAnon. Of course they might not have known it's source, and there's zero transparency to know if that's true (and no reason to trust), and can you imagine the outrage if they did the same to anyone that relayed leftist conspiracy theories like Russiagate or who relayed the lie that Trump said neonazi's were very fine people?[4]
  • CNN was asking Cable Stations to drop FoxNews, OAN and Newsmax, to try to silence conservatives [5]
  • Still others like Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, Greg Guttfeld and Mark Levin were driven off: decided they should abandon the platform of fascism, before they were digitally lynched.
  • Facebook and Instagram followed suit... then took out the entire #WalkAway campaign with hundreds of thousands of followers, videos and testimonials of people admitting that once they opened their eyes, they had to leave (Walk Away) from the ever more fascist DNC, and why [6]. Testimonial truths that don't fit the leftist agendas are also seen as a violation of terms, it seems.
  • Snapchat also suspended him [7]
  • Pinterest couldn't block Trump since he didn't have an account, so they started attacking hashtags that supported Trump or his ideas [8]
  • Reddit, followed along, banning the entire Trump subreddit for non violation of terms, they just didn't want to be left out of Joe Biden's new call for unity, healing and finding a path forward (without those dirty conservatives, of course). [9]
  • Shopify banned Trump's campaign store and his personal brand store, to join the tech mob digital lynching. [10]
  • TikTok still mad that Trump tried to protect Americans privacy again this Chinese controlled company, started purging Trump’s speeches to his supporters when users put them up. [11]
  • Amazon owned Twitch locked President Trump’s account indefinitely. [12]
  • Apple, Google, Amazon coordinated an attack on Parler -- because it would have been a good outlet for conservatives to move to. This hurts that company and it's employees, and anyone that used/enjoyed the platform, or would like an alternative to the Twitter/Facebook hegemony -- all for the high crime of being more free-speech than Twitter/Apple/Google/Amazon wanted. Can you get more anti-competitive than that? Not really, but since it was done for the Big Guy and to hurt Orangeman, the Democrats are OK with that corporate abuse of power.

They didn't just attack Trump, anyone that repeats that if a fool or a liar.

Meantime, Twitter has never considered banning world leaders of the most oppressive regimes in the world, for far more offensive tweets. Be a Holocaust Denier, call for violence against conservatives (like the DNC leadership did), support terrorist organizations like BLM or Antifa, show the beheading of the President or participate in murder fantasies about "Blowing up the Whitehouse", talk about persecuting anyone who supported your political opposition, and you'll keep your status... if your attacks are against conservatives. But if you dare say that you won't bow before the lefts anointed, or defend 75M pro-Democracy voters that are being disenfranchised and put in digital concentration camps? For that, you get banned. }}

(c) he still has a voice, so it doesn't hurt much?[edit | edit source]


This is known as the kind rapist theory. The fascist left claims that it doesn’t count because Trump can still call a Press Conference, so they didn't censor him by denying him access to tools that are sold to the public under the false premise that they are available to the whole public -- when the truth is they are only available to the left no matter how hateful, and to conservatives that know their place (if they don't get too big a fanbase for telling uncomfortable truths).

Ignoring the fallacy that their argument is like claiming a little rape is OK, if the rapist is gentle enough, they miss that the only way to see a Presidents Press conference is on CSPAN (sometimes), all the other channels filter through CNN or NYT's disinformation machine, and they only show their viewers out-of-contest lowlights, with re-imagined delusional left wing commentaries over-talking or interpreting it for their viewers. But again, the point isn't whether he can still be heard, the point is whether he is being denied access to something that is claimed to be a free speech platform and was sold to us as such.

(d) this isn't any worse than a baker refusing service to a gay person[edit | edit source]

First, remember that the hypocritical left had apoplexy over the idea that another persons religious freedom should trump their political agenda.

Remember the context: activists hunted down this guy to make an example of him. One baker in Colorado (in a town with many other bakers), happily served a gay couple and agreed to offer them service and sell them anything in his store... except he also did custom cakes. He mentioned that he would not do custom artwork for things that were against his religion: supporting the persecution of a individuals or a group, promoting sins, or gay marriage. For that they sued him and lost (with the support of progressive activists and a progressive government that kept losing in court for their abuse of power). So they kept making up new reasons to re-suit him, in order to harass him and try to bankrupt him into compliance (and giving up his personal beliefs). The left was all OK with that behavior, even though there were plenty of other cake makers around that had no problems offering their services.

This context is more a bunch of tech companies together, attacking a group of clients, by ignoring that they are a public platform (not just private businesses), and that they offered these platforms and got their user bases by promising to platforms of free speech and helping people communicate. Now they are doing the opposite and abusing their monopolistic dominance for each kind of communication/tech they own, to punish groups of people who aren't like them -- knowing those people have no other alternatives to easily turn to. And are attacking the less convenient alternatives they are turning to, to destroy that competition as well.

If you can't understand that difference, then you're not up for this conversation. Have a nice life, bye. Again, the point isn't whether an individual can deny their services on religious groups -- this is whether a cartel of tech companies should be able to abuse a minority of the country, and deny them a bunch of services and make a two tiered system of technological services.


👁️ See also

  • Thought Crime - George Orwell wrote his cautionary book titled Nineteen Eighty-Four about what progressive lefists would become.
  • Thought Police - When there are people that reward/punish good and bad ideas, that's the thought police.
  • Digital Kristallnacht - Biden supporters demanded and acted on Digital Kristallnacht: attacking/banning conservatives on Social Media to heal us.
  • Orwellian - George Orwell warned of the decline of civilization through Socialism, Collectivism, and Group-Think.
  • 2+2≈1984 - This is about 2+2=5, and the mind-fuck in George Orwell's book about Socialism, titled: nineteen eighty-four (1984).
  • 2+2≈1984 - This is about 2+2=5, and the mind-fuck in George Orwell's book about Socialism, titled: nineteen eighty-four (1984).

🔗 More

Digital Kristallnacht
Biden supporters demanded and acted on Digital Kristallnacht: attacking/banning conservatives on Social Media to heal us.

Thought Police
When there are people that reward/punish good and bad ideas, that's the thought police.

🔗 Links

Tags: Digital Kristallnacht  Thought Police

  1. Campaign: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/01/09/twitter-blacklists-trump-campaign-and-digital-director-gary-coby/
  2. Ron Paul:
  3. Fascist Purge: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/09/306875-n306875
  4. Purge: https://www.dailywire.com/news/twitter-purges-tens-of-thousands-of-real-accounts-for-sharing-qanon-content
  5. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/01/08/cnn-openly-lobbying-to-ban-fox-news-newsmax-oan-from-airwaves-with-dem-stamp-of-approval-1014098/
  6. WalkAway:
  7. Snapchat: https://thehill.com/policy/technology/533204-trump-suspended-indefinitely-from-snapchat
  8. Pinterest: https://www.axios.com/platforms-social-media-ban-restrict-trump-d9e44f3c-8366-4ba9-a8a1-7f3114f920f1.html
  9. Reddit: https://hotair.com/archives/john-s-2/2021/01/08/reddit-removes-trump-subreddit-apple-threatens-ban-parler-app-store/
  10. Shopify: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/01/07/shopify-blacklists-trump-webstore/
  11. TikTok: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/01/08/chinese-owned-tiktok-to-ban-videos-of-president-trump-based-on-misinformation-policy/
  12. Twitch: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/01/07/twitch-suspends-donald-trumps-account-indefinitely/
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