Dan Crenshaw

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Dan CrenshawRino
Dan Crenshaw, official portrait, 116th Congress 2.jpg
Republican U.S. House Representative and former United States Navy SEAL officer.
U.S. House Representative for my disrtict. He got my attention before I moved here, and I'd read his book and enjoyed it. He's a moderate/centrist Republican, and wants to get things done, by not being a bomb thower.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-11-23 

Rino[edit source]

           Main article: Dan Crenshaw/Rino
Dürer's Rhinoceros, 1515.jpg

Some claim that Crenshaw is a RINO. I ask why. Here are the answers (and the research):

  • The basic accusation that Dan is a RINO ignores his voting record: [1]
    • 98% Heritage Action Score
    • A rating: NRA and GOA (Gun Owners of America)
    • 100% National Right to Life / 20% by Planned Parenthood
    • 100% Independent Petrolium Association
  • Dan supports Red Flag laws. Except he doesn't.
    • In response to a Trump tweet in support of Red Flag laws after the Sandy Hook shooting, Crenshaw mentioned that the Democrat version of these things was absurd, but there does need to be a way to take away guns from imminent threats. But they need to have a due process, and something better than what the Democrats propose. I'm about as pro-2A as they come, and he has a point.
    • Also, there was a bill that everyone had agreed upon (to continue to finance the military), and it had a rider in there about red-flag laws. But it was already agreed that was getting yanked, and it wouldn't pass the senate with it. So Dan was not going to vote against funding the military, for a clause that wasn't getting in the final. So he voted yes, and it was pulled before passage as everyone agreed. That's not for red-flag, that's against de-funding the military for useless grandstanding.
  • Dan is an environmentalist (meaning Green-New-Deal guy) because he said that Republicans should go to these conferences and explain the conservative point of view, or they just become echo chambers of leftist thought. Point out the advantages of Nuclear and Natural gas, etc. They should be challenged in person. Um, yeah, I agree. That isn't what a GND/environmentalist looks like.
  • Dan (and others) voted for a Vaccine Database. No, they didn't, and this video explains it. There's been an Immunization Information System (IIS) for 50 years. The Democrats tried to pass a bill that would spend more on upgrades but increase traceability of individuals. The Republican lead bill (which passed) agreed to fund security/infrastructure upgrades, but only if it increase anonymity and made it harder to track individuals (protect patient privacy). If this hadn't of passed, the Democrats would have passed their version, which was much worse. [2]
  • Some claim that Dan is John McCain in drag? But Dan's voting record doesn't have him blocking ending ACA, or anything like McCain. When you try to corner them the best they can find is an old tweet where Crenshaw told Trump to focus on something other than the dead senator because it was getting old. (It was. Whether Trump is right or not, dancing on a grave is not a good look in a President, and it was time to move on).
  • Dan support Liz Cheney? That was going around. So I looked into it... oh, back before J6 got going, Liz stood against the party, and Dan apparently made one tweet saying that she was brave to stand against her party. Then Liz went full retard, and nobody asked or listened to Dan again on his views on whether he agrees with Liz. They don't want the truth, they want to spread the lie that saying that before J6 got going, is the same as saying it just the other day.
  • Dan did a long video where he was discussing the difference between bomb-throwers and legislators. And he said some people on the right spend more time grandstanding than getting the votes needed to pass a bill, or often don't show up for votes. He was slamming those people. It got taken out of context, and used as a "no true Scotsman" fallacy. Nobody at the time was confused by what he meant. But the hacked up video, out of context, makes it seem like he was bashing people he wasn't.
  • Dan was attacked by a sock-puppet woman who was on the campaign for his opponent (Jameson). She misparaphrased an out-of-context quote, to imply that Dan said Jesus was like a fictitious Superhero and not real. Dan replied, "don't question my faith", and defended his position. People first lied that he attacked a 10 year old girl (she was 18), he just asked that people watch the whole video and get the point. His point was valid.
  • Dan doesn't care about the J6 political prisoners. He mentions his job as a legislator is to legislate. He can't do anything substantial, until Republicans have the majority in congress (and Senate): so vote. That's not him not caring, he says it's wrong and he disagrees with it. Just grandstanding wouldn't help. [3]
  • Dan went after MTG and the Freedom Caucus (Liars and Grifters). Only none of the people at the 10 minute talk thought he thought that (nor the freedom caucus that he was supposebly attacking). It was only edited up later, out of context, where people misunderstood and went full retard on Dan over it. [4]
  • Dan's inside stock trading: he traded $20,000 in stocks on Jim Kramer's recommendation, and thought he was supposed to report at end of year, instead of quarterly. And some smacked him on that. Pelosi traded $30M. The FakeNews said that Dan made a higher percent on his trades that Pelosi did, without mentioning the whole market was up over that time (no insider info needed), and omitting the amount [5]

  • 2018.11.04 SNL Hit Piece - Trump never mocked a disabled Reporter, Saturday Night Live did. Here's SNL star Pete Davidson mocking GOP congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye fighting in Afghanistan. Davidson referred to Crenshaw as looking like “a hitman in a porno movie.” Keeping it classy.
  • Crenshaws wife funneled $350K - The left has been unethically funneling money to family members via their campaign for decades, but did Dan do it too? Not really, or not very much, but it doesn't look good. His wife does occasionally work for a firm, that did get some money.
  • Political Events/Dan Crenshaw - Dan Crenshaw flew in from D.C. and spoke to a few constituents at Los Cucos Mexican Cafe, hosted by the Kingwood Tea Party. He spoke for about 30 minutes, then took questions for about an hour. Then hung out while people came up and engaged.
  • Swalwell v Crenshaw (2019) - Swalwell tries slandering Trump over 1A. Crenshaw shuts him down with History Lesson on Dems and Obama. (Reminding Eric that Obama put Journalists under investigation, or that it's his party that's anti-1A, not Trump). A Chimp can recognize itself in the mirror. The average democrat politician isn't that smart... or introspective.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Dan Crenshaw: a former United States Navy SEAL for ten years, including three tours of duty, got an eye taken out by an IED. Ran for Congress and won in Houston. He has a great personality, stands up for his side, will point out the hypocrisy of the other side -- but is usually civil about it. I'll wait and see where he goes in politics: can it corrupt him? How will he use his power, over time. And what are the causes he chooses to champion? Those will define him... as a politician. As protector of America, he has already defined and distinguished himself, as attested to by his medals and battle scars.


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  1. Voting Record:
  2. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v&361;310615964254290
  3. J6 Political Prisoners: Montgomery Tea Party Meeting video - 26:00
  4. Liars and Grifters: Montgomery Tea Party Meeting video - 28:00
  5. Stock Trade: Montgomery Tea Party Meeting video - 9:30
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