1995 318ti (1995)

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Cars1995 318ti (1995)
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-12-14 

While I'd never bought myself a new car until I was over 50 (I usually buy 1 or a few years old), we bought Melissa a few. In 1995 she wanted a new car, so we went down and bought her this little BMW 318ti (before I bought my M3 a year later). She liked hatches, so talked her into test driving. She didn't think she was a BMW girl, until she drove it. Then we bought it. They cancelled it (in the U.S.) a year or so later. Everything broke the first year: replaced a transmission, 3 stereos, fuel sensor in the engine, struts for the hatch -- the dealer knew her by name. After 6 months she was thinking of using lemon law to give it back. And all of a sudden, everything was fixed. She kept it for nearly 10 years, and other than some struts for the hatch, it was reliable as heck.


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Cars are freedom, fun, and what gets me to places I'd rather be (or away from places I don't want to be).

Melissa Cars
Cars are freedom, fun, and what gets me to places I'd rather be (or away from places I don't want to be).

Tags: Cars/all  Melissa Cars

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