Breitbart Blacklisted by Wikipedia (2018)

From iGeek
Breitbart has a history of breaking pretty big scoops, and done some serious investigative journalism.
You don't have to like Breitbart, to admit that it's a news source that's broken some pretty good scoops, and done some serious investigative journalism. They are biased, but so is CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, NYT, WaPo and HuffPo, that are all tolerated as sources. Pick a standard, and ban everyone based on that. But you don't get to have arbitrary standards.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-02-18 

So the fact that the sources with a high degree of leftist bias and errors is blanket allowed, and one with fewer errors (but as much bias) is not, is not a reflection on Breitbart's bias but on Wikipedia's. You can't claim neutrality and then bad all the other sides sources, but they do.


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Wikipedia is both hit and miss. Most articles are pretty good, but there's a leftist bias amongst too many articles.

The CNN or MSNBC of the right, if CNN/MSNBC did more news and less opinion and had any journalistic standards.

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Tags: Wikipedia  Breitbart

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