Born on the 4th of July (1989)

From iGeek
American patriot kills civilians and a comrade in Vietnam, is paralyzed, and goes on post-war PTSD depression spiral until he learns to speak out against the war and his humanity is restored. Complete Anti-American, Anti-Military propaganda by far left conspiracy loon, Oliver Stone. It's like history through a bad LSD trip.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-22 


I'm not saying the show was completely unwatchable. It wasn't a horrible movie. Just recognize that it was anti-American propaganda written/directed by American hating privileged elites, that think Mao or Stalin would make America Better.

Tatometer Summary
RottenB.png Born on the 4th of July - +14% point spread: 90% of reviewer likes, while viewers gave it a cooler 76%. This was another anti-American Oliver Stone film: American patriot kills civilians and a comrade in Vietnam, is paralyzed, and goes on post-war PTSD depression spiral until he learns to speak out against the war and his humanity is restored.


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Oliver Stone
A self-deluded Director who wins awards from Hollywood for movies about his anti-American alternate universe.

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