ACLU Files and loses Lawsuit over Border-Wall

From iGeek
The ACLU played far left hitman for the DNC by suing (and losing) over Trump's Border-Wall National Emergency.
The ACLU played far left hitman for the DNC by suing (and losing) over Trump's Border-Wall National Emergency. They didn't care about the last 58 National Emergencies, including Executive Order 9066: the Japanese Internment. But defending our border under Trump? That they'll fight, unlike when Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, JFK, Truman, FDR did the same.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-02-16 

The ACLU didn't file lawsuit after any of the last 58 National Emergencies (even Executive Order 9066: the Japanese Internment). Most of them have far less justification than Trump's border one. But to signal virtue, grab headlines, and show their new far left extremism, they are filing suit against national sovereignty and defending our borders. I don't see why they think they have any standing in this case, which might be why the shit-tweet doesn't seem to be backed up by an actual lawsuit.


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I love immigrants. I am one. Supporting legal immigration isn't xenophic, it's compassion.

Once a civil rights organization, now just boosters for the DNC's latest woke agenda items.

The Wall
How do you secure the most heavily crossed border (both legally and illegally) in the world? Some don't want to.

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Tags: Immigration  ACLU  The Wall

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