
From iGeek
Internet/Twitter Celebrity is duped into thinking that making a gun non-functional will make it fully automatic.
Internet/Twitter Celebrity (Jennifer Mom) became popular in 2014 with #GunSense #NotOneMore hashtag campaigns. She's so dumb, it's hard to tell if she's a troll or not, but her followers seem to take her seriously and sha had a large following, before her account was disappeared. Still don't know if it was a parody.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-11 

Internet/Twitter Celebrity (Jennifer's Mom) became popular in 2014 with #GunSense #NotOneMore hashtag campaigns.

She's so dumb, it's hard to tell if she's a troll or not -- but her followers seem to take her seriously -- so even if she's not dumb, her followers appear to be buying it.

Her tweet about filing down the firing pin to make a gun fully automatic is classic Jennifer. All that would really do, is mean is that your gun can't fire.

Along with claiming AR stands for assault rifle (it means Armalite), and a dozen other things.

Gun owners link her stuff: to mock her and her audience. But the fact that so many people follow her both amuses and infuriates the gun-cluefull folks, while her followers dutifully retweet her drivel.


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A short list of some of the "smartest Gun-Controllers in the room".

Guns are a tool. Gun prohibition is like the prohibition on drugs, alcohol or crime.

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