2018.04.11 NRA, Russians and Newsweek

From iGeek
Newsweek claims there were Russian-linked "donors" to the NRA. It turned out to be clickbait for gullible rubes.
Newsweek claimed there were 23 Russian-linked "donors" to the NRA. Or about 1/100th as many as to Obama, Biden, Hillary. It turned out to be a nothing burger, it was $2,500 total, over 3 years and most likely just ex-pats or diplomats abroad. No evidence the NRA knew or was soliciting. But it generated front page headlines and back page corrections for the rubes.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-04-17 

Newsweek scoop of the decade, that lots of places picked up: an article talking about 23 Russia-linked "donors" to the NRA. ZOMG. Then in the fine print... it was $2,500 total, over 3 years, the majority likely ex-pats or diplomats stationed abroad. No evidence the NRA knew or was soliciting. And there's no reason that the Russian government supporting a civil rights organization in the U.S. is a bad thing. Would the left scream if 23 Russians donated millions to Planned Parenthood or the Red Cross?

Their goal is obviously to mislead their gullible readers to think that Russia is colluding with the NRA, when the truth is that Americans abroad may support the NRA too. If they wanted to have any balance, let's find out how many diplomats and Americans working abroad, in countries hostile to the U.S., contribute to far left causes like the ACLU or NAACP, and pretend there are ties between them. Double eye-roll.


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Fake News
While the term goes back 100 years, the history is summed up well by Sharyl Attkisson.

National Rifle Association
The NRA is like the ACLU once was, except specifically for the 2nd Amendment.

A magazine that fell from mediocrity into the annals of incompetent partisanism.

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Tags: FakeNews  NRA  Newsweek

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